
Showing posts from June 16, 2024

The Unseen Storm: Uganda's Looming Civil War.

George Santayana's famous quote, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," serves as a stark warning. In "The Life of Reason," he emphasized the importance of learning from history. Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo are stark examples of the devastating consequences that follow when this wisdom is ignored - a fact that humans often ignore. Conflicts don't fall from the sky; they're fueled by a small group of people prioritizing their interests over the country's well-being. Uganda, the Pearl of Africa, nicknamed by Winston Churchill in his book 'My African Journey' published in 1908, is heading down a dangerous path, similar to Sudan's descent into civil war. The denial of peaceful transition of power always leads to war, which spares no one. Are we willing to sacrifice our country for temporary power? History shows that even powerful nations fall victim to the uprising of the common people. Our leaders are

Indeed: Songs of Rihanna.

 I dedicate this to Rihanna, because she's one of the few celebrities whose lifestyle and music actually make me understand that music is all about inspiring, entertaining, and motivating people. The song 'Lift Me Up' was just what I needed to keep myself trying again. Even though there's no one close to me to hold me and hug me, the song reminds me that my guardian angels always fill that space to hug me. The queen of Barbados sings songs that make me feel like everything is okay, even when nothing is okay. People who struggle have music as the only thing that tells them that everything is okay. And they always appreciate when someone famous comes down to say hello. When she came to Malawi on a program, she acted like a Malawian, and in India, even the common people had a selfie with her. All her songs are what we listen to when getting to work, even when our bosses rain insults on us. We know that we shall stand under Rihanna's umbrella, and the day will get done.

Aftermath of Lust! The joy of every Child is Mummy and Daddy.

The joy of every child is to have a loving mother and father. Yet, lust, a fleeting pleasure, can shatter this joy, leaving a trail of destruction. As I walk through the streets, I see children searching for scraps, fighting to survive. Some become criminals, imprisoned by their circumstances, while others meet an untimely end. The harsh reality is that 99% of criminals torturing the peace and beauty of this world lacked the charity of a mother's love and a father's discipline. Lust, a temporary desire, leads to a lifetime of suffering. Unplanned children, rejected and abandoned, are forced to fend for themselves. Men and women, blinded by lustful desires, are responsible for the surge in street children and rising criminality. The consequences of lust are staggering. Why would murderers exist if children were given complete charity? How would they steal if they were planned for? How will they hate if they were given love? Note this; “the hate you give, is the hate you create

Sitting in God's Chair, would you give humanity a second chance?

 If given the chance to sit in God’s chair, would you grant humanity a second chance? Could you forgive our transgressions and choose to create a new world? Or would you curse human beings and walk away? This question resonates deeply, much like asking a mother whose son has chosen a path of terrorism if she would willingly bear another child. The pain of seeing our own flesh and blood rebel against us, rejecting the love and nurturing we’ve provided, is a sorrow almost too great to bear. In this world, the righteous suffer while the wicked prosper. The cry of the innocent goes unheard, and the beauty that once honored life is destroyed or being destroyed. It’s tempting to wonder what God thinks of us, how He views our rebellion and ingratitude. Have we become so entrenched in our sin that we’ve forced God to turn away from us? The thought is both haunting and sobering. As I ponder the state of humanity, I am met with a mix of emotions – sorrow, disappointment, and frustration. Despite