Aftermath of Lust! The joy of every Child is Mummy and Daddy.

The joy of every child is to have a loving mother and father. Yet, lust, a fleeting pleasure, can shatter this joy, leaving a trail of destruction. As I walk through the streets, I see children searching for scraps, fighting to survive. Some become criminals, imprisoned by their circumstances, while others meet an untimely end. The harsh reality is that 99% of criminals torturing the peace and beauty of this world lacked the charity of a mother's love and a father's discipline.

Lust, a temporary desire, leads to a lifetime of suffering. Unplanned children, rejected and abandoned, are forced to fend for themselves. Men and women, blinded by lustful desires, are responsible for the surge in street children and rising criminality. The consequences of lust are staggering. Why would murderers exist if children were given complete charity? How would they steal if they were planned for? How will they hate if they were given love? Note this; “the hate you give, is the hate you create".

The decisions we make today shape generations to come. Our actions create a chain of pain, connecting us to a past we cannot change. But we can break this chain by choosing love over lust. Love, the foundation of empathy, kindness, and dignity, is what makes us human. Imagine a world where children grow up with love and discipline. Imagine a world where we prioritize their well-being over our desires.

The lack of a mother denies a child love, and the lack of a father denies a child discipline because discipline creates; respect, valuation, dignity and the sense of humor. Love and discipline are essential for a child's growth and development. Without them, children are left vulnerable to the harsh realities of the world. Our actions have created monsters, and monsters are creating monsters. The chain of pain continues to grow, and it's up to us to break it. You may not see it today but remember, there is always a chain from the past. It is not science but a hard fact about reality.

Before pursuing sexual pleasures, consider the aftermath. Imagine the suffering of innocent children, the pain of rejected souls, and the devastating consequences of our lustful desires. Let us take responsibility for our actions and choose love over lust. As a young person myself, I know firsthand how tempting lust can be. It's a fierce battle to control our sexual desires, but I've found a powerful weapon that helps me resist: imagination. I close my eyes and picture the aftermath of giving in to lust - a child, my own flesh and blood, suffering because of my selfish choices. The thought of it breaks my heart and strengthens my resolve. I don't want my future children to ever feel unwanted, unloved, or abandoned. That's what drives me to fight lust, to choose love, and to create a brighter future for generations to come.

No one is coerced into pregnancy, and there's no such thing as an 'unwanted pregnancy', only a lack of self-control and lustful desires. We must own up to our actions and acknowledge that every life conceived is a precious gift, deserving of love and care. Let us not use 'unwanted pregnancy' as an excuse to justify lust. Instead, let us choose responsibility, compassion, and love. Every child deserves to be loved and cherished, from the moment of conception to adulthood.

If our ancestors had the wisdom and love to preserve the beauty of this world for us, why are we failing to do the same for the next generation? Let us not forget the sacrifices they made for us. Before you turn your back, remember the love and care your mother and father had for you. They wanted the best for you, and it's our responsibility to do the same for our children. The joy of every child is to have a loving mother and father. Let us not deprive them of that joy. Let us cherish and protect them, and preserve the beauty of this world for them.



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