
Showing posts from September 15, 2024

Europe's upcoming war: A Child of war is calling for peace.

I am a child of war, born amidst the chaos of bullets and bombs. My existence is a testament to the devastating consequences of conflict, a stark reminder of the horrors that humanity is capable of inflicting upon itself. I thought that the world had learned from its past suffering, that the scars of war would serve as a reminder of the importance of peace. But alas, history repeats itself, and the drums of war beat once more. To the people of Europe, who still cherish the right to live in peace, I urge you: do not take your freedom for granted. You have fought tirelessly to achieve this fragile balance, and it is crucial that you protect it selfishly. The luxury of peace is one that many cannot afford, and it is your responsibility to preserve it. The storms of war are gathering, blowing menacingly towards your shores. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine may seem distant, but remember how World War I began – with two nations, and then spread across the globe like wildfire. Do not