African mythology. Feces on his trousers!: The tale of Npotu's arrogance.

Once upon a time, there lived a man named Npotu who was consumed by pride and arrogance. He believed himself to be the wisest person in the village, superior to everyone else. Npotu refused to listen to others, convinced that he knew better.

On the day of his daughter's introduction ceremony, disaster struck. As he was walking to the event, he was suddenly overcome with a running stomach and had to rush into the bushes to relieve himself. In his haste, some feces accidentally fell onto his trousers.

Despite the efforts of others to discreetly inform him of his problem, Npotu refused to listen, believing himself to be too intelligent to be corrected by anyone. So, he continued on to the ceremony, unaware of the embarrassing stain on his trousers.

As he mingled with the guests, people at the ceremony started noticing a bad smell and they all started to look around, trying to find the source. That's when they saw it: feces on Npotu's trousers! The room fell silent, and all eyes were on him.

Only when it was too late did he realize his mistake, and the putrid smell led to his embarrassing expulsion from the ceremony.

The moral of this story is clear: listen to others, regardless of their appearance or social standing. We all have something to learn from each other, and our survival often depends on the help and input of those around us. Humility and open-mindedness are essential qualities for building strong relationships and avoiding embarrassing situations like Npotu's!


  1. Only a foolish man will think he is wiser than everyone else. No man is an island. Thank you for this wonderful moral story


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