The "weirdness" of God's Love. A love that defies human logic and understanding.

I am Waiswa, and I have come to realize that the ways of God are truly mysterious and awe-inspiring. His love is beyond human comprehension, and it's a love that has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible.

Growing up, I faced numerous setbacks and challenges that left me feeling lost and hopeless. But in those darkest of moments, God showed up in unexpected ways, revealing His love and grace through the kindness of strangers and the unexpected turn of events.

One particular experience that stands out was when I found myself trapped in a debt cycle with no clear way out. The month of May was especially terrifying, as I frantically searched for a solution, traveling from city to city, seeking help from anyone who would listen. But every door I knocked on seemed to lead me towards a dead end.

It was then, when all hope seemed lost, that God intervened in a miraculous way. Through a chance connection on social media, I met someone who would become an instrument of God's love and grace in my life. This person, whom I had never met before, stepped in to help me manage my debt, offering guidance and support when I needed it most. We spoke as if we've known each other right from birth.

In that moment, I realized that God's love is not limited by our human understanding or expectations. He uses the most unlikely people and circumstances to show us His love and care. These "human angels" are instruments of God's grace, sent to comfort and support us in our times of need.

My experiences have taught me that God's love is infinite and boundless, surpassing anything the world has to offer. Even when we fail Him, He continues to think about us, delivering us from evil and drawing us back to Himself. His love is a never-ending wellspring of hope and redemption, available to anyone who seeks it.

The "weirdness" of God's love is what draws me to Him again and again. It's a love that defies human logic and understanding, a love that surprises and amazes us at every turn. And it's a love that I've come to rely on, trust in, and cherish deeply.

In the end, it's not about our own strength or abilities but about surrendering to God's love and allowing Him to work in and through us. As I look back on my journey, I am reminded of the power of faith and trust in God's goodness, even in the darkest of times.

May my story inspire and encourage you to trust in God's love and grace, no matter what challenges you may be facing. His love is real, and it's available to anyone who seeks it.


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