
Life is a collection of Moments

 Life is not a journey, as people often say. Even fools make journeys. Instead, life is a collection of moments, and it's up to us to extract wisdom from them or walk away empty-handed. I learned this valuable lesson at a young age, and it has stayed with me ever since. My encounter with Mrs. Nambi Kaneene was brief, but it had a profound impact on my life. Her wisdom, professionalism, and thoughtful interactions left a lasting impression on me. She spoke with intention and deliberation, as if wisdom itself was speaking. Such moments create memories that evoke emotions, spark appreciation, and shape our perspectives. The most precious gift anyone can offer is a moment, whether directly or indirectly. It's up to us to cherish and learn from these moments, for they are all we take with us in the end. I've come to realize that life is not about accumulating wealth, properties, or material possessions; it's about the moments we experience, the memories we create, and th


I'M HERE Bad luck comes running, opportunities crawl, And just as they near, a gust blows them away. I'm lost in the desert, parched and forlorn, Only to find the oases of love and peace have dried up, gone. It's a marathon, but I've barely begun, My hand outstretched, yet no one has stopped to see. Darkness shrouds me, passersby can't see, My heart's door wide open, pleading to be free. Oh, to fly and chase opportunities afar! To dig deep and find the waters, to quench this burning scar! To see with eagle eyes and find the shortcut home! To sing a song that shines a light, to make my voice known! But alas, I'm here, my hand still outstretched, My heart still open, still yearning to be reached. I'm here, beside you, can't you see? I'M HERE...


Trapped and alone, she had nowhere to turn. Rejected by all, including her last hope, the future seemed distant and uncertain. Her soul was heavy with grief, her mind burdened by stress, and her body wracked with confusion - all a result of his lustful desires. Love is a powerful and sensitive force, easily expressed but difficult to genuinely embody. Women are beautiful and alluring, and men often pursue them with empty promises and selfish intentions. He approached her with a deceitful heart, begging for a place in her life. Though she initially resisted, he persisted, claiming he sought a wife, not a fleeting affair. Her kind heart eventually succumbed, and she loved him fully, only to be met with rejection and heartbreak. She endured the pain, holding onto hope that he would return. But on Labor Day, she found herself alone in the delivery room, facing cruel insults from the midwives. With no home to call her own, no friends to lean on, and a crying baby to care for, she was consum


Some people can be incredibly cruel, causing unbearable pain and heartache. We show them mercy, but they exploit our kindness, trampling our innocence and taking what's ours. It's natural to feel unforgiving and hateful when life seems unfair, and the perpetrators go unpunished while we suffer. But holding onto unforgiveness only brings more pain and consumes us with revenge. I experienced this when Gilvan stole my laptop, my most treasured possession. I felt betrayed and angry, even cursing God. But as I reflected, I realized that unforgiveness was only harming me. I had goals to achieve, a future to build, and a family to raise. Carrying hatred and unforgiveness would only weigh me down. Forgiveness wasn't easy, but it freed me from a heavy burden. Unforgiveness is a weight that makes us jealous, restless, and denies us the joy of life's precious gifts. Unforgiveness is a waste of time, and life is short. Instead, let's replace unforgiveness with love, kindness, a

The Power of Unity: A Call to Action for Africa

 The wisdom of unity has long been espoused, but it wasn’t until I watched the documentary “Blood Rivals: Lions vs Buffalos” that I truly understood its significance. The documentary tells the story of a lone buffalo, attacked by a pride of lions, and how its herd came to its rescue, saving it from certain death. This powerful display of solidarity and strength in numbers is a lesson for us all, particularly for the African continent. Africa, the cradle of humanity, is rich in resources and cultural heritage, yet it remains the poorest continent in terms of economy and standard of living. We, as Africans, have contributed to our own suffering, starvation, and bloodshed. We have forgotten the sacrifices of our ancestors and the blood they shed during the slave trade. We have abandoned our cultures and traditions, embracing foreign values and norms. But it’s not too late to change course. We can learn from the buffalo, who understand that unity is power. When we stand together, we become


Growing up, I was taught to beware of individuals with unconventional appearances, such as tattoos, dreadlocks, and nonconformist hairstyles. They were labeled as dangerous and criminal-minded. However, as I matured, I realized that the genuine threat was not those who looked different, but those who wore suits and concealed their true intentions. My teacher once told me that my appearance would hinder my success, that I resembled a thug. Yet, after witnessing the cruelty and oppression perpetrated by men in suits, I am proud to embody the qualities they despise. Beneath their suits, they harbor beasts and monsters, exploiting their power to loot, steal, and rob from the vulnerable. Lucky Dube astutely observed, “They initiate wars at will, some for entertainment and personal glory, sacrificing innocent lives for their wrongdoings.” Men in suits are masters of excuses, utilizing their influence to justify their atrocities. Through personal experiences, I have learned to distrust them.


 Kristen Mary, the matriarch of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, is a shining example of resilience and determination. Despite facing numerous challenges and heartbreaks, she has consistently demonstrated her ability to rise above adversity and emerge stronger. Her unwavering spirit and courage in the face of hardship make her a role model for women worldwide. Love can be both beautiful and painful, and Kristen Mary's experiences are a testament to this. She has faced the worst of heartbreak, but instead of giving up, she has emerged stronger and more resilient. Her ability to mend her broken heart and continue to believe in love is a superpower that many can learn from. Kristen Mary's story is a beacon of hope for women who have been broken down by love. She proves that it's possible to rise above the pain and find happiness again. Her motto, "don't take no for an answer," is a powerful reminder that we should never give up on love. As a writer, I salute Kristen M


In 1 Samuel 8:5, the people asked Samuel to appoint a king to lead them, but Samuel was displeased with their request. God said, "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king" (1 Samuel 8:7). Imagine having God as your king - what could He fail to do? What nation could He fail to conquer? How great His kingdom would become! Beautiful streets, abundant food, and remarkable development. But the people requested a change in leadership, demonstrating that even the best arrangements can become stale. A Ugandan wise man once said, "Even the best dancer eventually gets off the stage." Everything in this mortal world has a beginning and an end. Beauty is like a flower that soon withers; it's foolish for a mortal to boast about their beauty, for who will marry them when it fades? When people rejected God as their king, He could have waged war on them, but He chose not to. As the creator, He cou