Some people can be incredibly cruel, causing unbearable pain and heartache. We show them mercy, but they exploit our kindness, trampling our innocence and taking what's ours. It's natural to feel unforgiving and hateful when life seems unfair, and the perpetrators go unpunished while we suffer. But holding onto unforgiveness only brings more pain and consumes us with revenge.

I experienced this when Gilvan stole my laptop, my most treasured possession. I felt betrayed and angry, even cursing God. But as I reflected, I realized that unforgiveness was only harming me. I had goals to achieve, a future to build, and a family to raise. Carrying hatred and unforgiveness would only weigh me down.

Forgiveness wasn't easy, but it freed me from a heavy burden. Unforgiveness is a weight that makes us jealous, restless, and denies us the joy of life's precious gifts. Unforgiveness is a waste of time, and life is short. Instead, let's replace unforgiveness with love, kindness, and smiles. Forgive, let go, and move forward. Forgiveness gives us peace, erases painful memories, and allows us to stand up and move forward. It's not simple, but it's essential for a happy and fulfilling life. Remember, life is for the living, so let's make the most of it."


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