
They think that God's silence is weakness.

This generation is exceptionally fortunate, blessed with an unprecedented level of God's mercy and patience. Despite our rampant blasphemy, rebellion, and evil deeds, Jesus Christ continues to intercede on our behalf, holding back the wrath of God. It's as if God's mercy is a mighty dam, holding back the torrent of His judgment, giving us space to repent and turn to Him. We are living in a time of unbridled wickedness, where evil is celebrated, and righteousness is mocked. Yet, God's patience endures, His mercy prevails, and His love persists. He sees the depths of our depravity, the magnitude of our sin, and still, He holds back His hand. Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, stands before the throne of God, pleading our case, covering our shame, and bearing our guilt. His intercession is our only hope, our sole refuge from the storm of God's wrath. Compared to previous generations, we have been given an extraordinary opportunity to re

The broken mirror: The aftermath of Disobedience.

The story of Adam and Eve's disobedience in the Garden of Eden marks the beginning of a downward spiral that has led humanity into a vortex of chaos, destruction, and unrelenting suffering. Their choice to succumb to Lucifer's temptation has had far-reaching consequences, unleashing a maelstrom of evil that has ravaged the world. The mistake of Adam and Eve was not just a simple error in judgment; it was a fundamental rejection of God's authority and wisdom. They chose to prioritize their own desires and ambitions over the clear instructions and warnings given to them. This act of defiance opened the floodgates to a deluge of sin, corruption, and violence that has engulfed humanity. Lucifer's pride and arrogance, which led him to rebel against God, set the stage for this catastrophe. His desire for power, control, and self-exaltation created a rift in the heavenly realm, leading to his expulsion and the corruption of humanity. Lucifer's malevolent influence has orch

A piece of my Testimony: How Presly became a vessel of God's glory in my life.

 Angels are said to roam the world, safeguarding God's people, but their presence is too awe-inspiring for human eyes. Instead, they manifest their duties through capable individuals. I've lived a life marked by struggles, mistakes, and difficulties, but God's mercy has been my constant refuge since childhood. As the only son on my father's side, my African culture expects me to shoulder the weight of family responsibilities . Witnessing my father's downfall was a painful experience that still resonates deeply. However, God's love has been my comfort, solace, and strength. My life took a surprising turn when I met Presly, a kind-hearted gentleman from the USA, on Facebook. Despite being strangers from different parts of the world, he trusted me with his kindness and generosity, becoming a listening ear when I needed it most. His financial support was an unexpected blessing from God, reminding me that I'm not alone. Presly's sudden appearance in my life i

African mythology. Feces on his trousers!: The tale of Npotu's arrogance.

Once upon a time, there lived a man named Npotu who was consumed by pride and arrogance. He believed himself to be the wisest person in the village, superior to everyone else. Npotu refused to listen to others, convinced that he knew better. On the day of his daughter's introduction ceremony, disaster struck. As he was walking to the event, he was suddenly overcome with a running stomach and had to rush into the bushes to relieve himself. In his haste, some feces accidentally fell onto his trousers. Despite the efforts of others to discreetly inform him of his problem, Npotu refused to listen, believing himself to be too intelligent to be corrected by anyone. So, he continued on to the ceremony, unaware of the embarrassing stain on his trousers. As he mingled with the guests, people at the ceremony started noticing a bad smell and they all started to look around, trying to find the source. That's when they saw it: feces on Npotu's trousers! The room fell silent, and all eye

Stop the mockery. Respect Christianity.

The growing trend of mocking and belittling Christianity has become a deeply troubling situation, sparking widespread concern among believers and non-believers alike. It's astonishing to witness individuals fearlessly mocking God, who has brought comfort, hope, and guidance to millions of people around the world. Even though no one has ever seen God, people have the audacity to make insulting jokes and hold mocking ceremonies. This blatant disrespect towards a belief system that brings solace, purpose, and meaning to countless lives is not only disheartening but also highlights the need to construct boundaries for human rights. The pervasive nature of this trend raises important questions about democracy. While free speech is a fundamental right, it's crucial to exercise it responsibly and with consideration for others. Mocking and ridiculing Christianity, or any religion, not only inflicts emotional pain on the faithful but also erodes the fabric of our society. It undermines

From the streets to leadership: The Bobi Wine Effect.

Bobi Wine, a champion of the voiceless, has revolutionized the way society perceives those dubbed 'thugs.' His unwavering dedication to the marginalized has transformed countless lives, inspiring hope in the darkest of corners. Drug addicts, once written off by society, now see a beacon of light in Bobi Wine, proof that they too can overcome their struggles and lead meaningful lives. His impact extends far beyond the ghettos, inspiring a new generation of leaders who refuse to be confined by the shackles of oppression. Bobi Wine's rise to prominence is a testament to the power of authenticity, a reminder that true leadership comes from the heart, not from the depths of one's pocket. As Obama once said, "Yes We Can," Bobi Wine embodies that spirit, showing that even the most unlikely can achieve greatness. In a world where suits and ties often masquerade as leadership, Bobi Wine stands tall, a shining example of what it means to truly serve the people. His pres

African mythology: Njabala and her ghost mother.

Long ago in Busoga, there lived a girl named Njabala. Her mother loved her so much that she did everything for her, including household chores. Njabala's daily routine consisted of eating, playing, and sleeping. Her mother catered to her every need until she became an adult. Unfortunately, Njabala's mother passed away, and she was married off to a farmer. However, Njabala didn't know how to cook or do household chores. Whenever her husband left for work, Njabala would call out to her late mother's ghost, singing, "Come, my mother, you who raised me with too much coddling." The ghost would appear and help Njabala with her tasks. The ghost would sing instructions, such as "Njabala, Njabala, you will make me known to your son-in-law. Women dig like this...Njabala, they cut the weeds and pull with the hoe." Njabala relied on her ghost mother's guidance for everything, even cooking. Her husband, unaware of the ghost's presence, was impressed with

African mythology: The price of greed.

Four men from a village - Khofi, Kwaame, Myaw, and Mululu - teamed up to venture into the forest to hunt down wild game. Those days, the drought was severe, and wild game was the only option for survival. After a long and arduous search, they finally came across a buffalo, very big, weighing hundreds of kilograms. Through teamwork, they brought it down and killed it. Indeed, the meat was just enough for the whole village. As they prepared to share the spoils, Khofi suggested, "Let's share 10kg each." But Mululu, the strongest, slapped him, saying, "Who taught you how to share?" Kwaame proposed, "Let's share 20kg each," but Mululu kicked him before he finished speaking. Myaw, fearful, surrendered the entire buffalo to Mululu, saying, "Mululu, the head is yours, the middle part is also yours, and the downer part is yours too." Mululu gloated, "You are the smartest man I've ever seen. Your way of sharing was just and truthful."

African mythology: "Why babies can't talk"

Long ago, in a mythical time, babies could talk from birth. They could express their needs and thoughts with ease. However, they would also report everything they saw, without discretion. One day, a mother named Susan was preparing lunch by smoking meat. She left her baby there while she went to buy ingredients from the shop. Meanwhile, a neighbor sneaked in and stole a portion of the meat. When Susan returned, she noticed the missing meat and before she even asked, the baby blurted out the truth, exposing the neighbor's theft. "Mummy if you're wondering how the meat reduced, don't over think. The neighbor came and stole a third of it." The embarrassed neighbor, filled with shame and anger, cast a spell on all babies using dark magic. From that day forward, babies lost the ability to talk. The spell had a lasting impact, and babies have remained speechless from birth ever since.

He Who Made Money.

Money, money - a seemingly innocuous entity, yet the root cause of the chaos that grips our world. On the surface, it's a harmless medium of exchange. But the relentless pursuit of it has unleashed a torrent of destructive behaviors, leaving in its wake a trail of devastation. People will stop at nothing to accumulate wealth, committing unspeakable acts that defy explanation. Murder, trafficking, immorality, environmental degradation, robbery, and theft - the list goes on. The desire for wealth has become an all-consuming fire that burns away empathy, compassion, and reason. As Lucky Dube so eloquently sang, we're indeed "living in a crazy world," where money reigns supreme. It's the unspoken ruler, the puppet master that pulls the strings from behind the scenes. Its influence is insidious, seeping into every aspect of our lives, dictating our actions, and shaping our decisions. The constitution of this shadowy ruler has only one law - "get me at all cost.&qu

The desire to walk back to 1997.

I'm consumed by a deep longing to go back in time, to 1997, when my path was still unfolding. The ache of unfulfilled dreams and unmet potential haunts me. My voice, a constant source of frustration, a reminder of my inadequacy. I've pleaded with a higher power, begging for answers, for a chance to understand where I went wrong. The silence is deafening. I'm trapped in a cycle of self-doubt, tormented by the what-ifs and maybes. Daydreams of a better life taunt me, a constant reminder of what could have been. The desire to be reborn, to start a new life again, is overwhelming. I yearn to erase the mistakes, to rewrite my story. The weight of my failures crushes me, the fear of being stuck in this darkness is forever suffocating. I'm lost in a sea of uncertainty, desperate for a lifeline. The whispers of self-doubt are relentless, a constant reminder of my inadequacy. I'm torn apart by the uncertainty, the not knowing what went wrong. The search for answers is exhaus

The Unseen Storm: Uganda's Looming Civil War.

George Santayana's famous quote, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," serves as a stark warning. In "The Life of Reason," he emphasized the importance of learning from history. Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo are stark examples of the devastating consequences that follow when this wisdom is ignored - a fact that humans often ignore. Conflicts don't fall from the sky; they're fueled by a small group of people prioritizing their interests over the country's well-being. Uganda, the Pearl of Africa, nicknamed by Winston Churchill in his book 'My African Journey' published in 1908, is heading down a dangerous path, similar to Sudan's descent into civil war. The denial of peaceful transition of power always leads to war, which spares no one. Are we willing to sacrifice our country for temporary power? History shows that even powerful nations fall victim to the uprising of the common people. Our leaders are

Indeed: Songs of Rihanna.

 I dedicate this to Rihanna, because she's one of the few celebrities whose lifestyle and music actually make me understand that music is all about inspiring, entertaining, and motivating people. The song 'Lift Me Up' was just what I needed to keep myself trying again. Even though there's no one close to me to hold me and hug me, the song reminds me that my guardian angels always fill that space to hug me. The queen of Barbados sings songs that make me feel like everything is okay, even when nothing is okay. People who struggle have music as the only thing that tells them that everything is okay. And they always appreciate when someone famous comes down to say hello. When she came to Malawi on a program, she acted like a Malawian, and in India, even the common people had a selfie with her. All her songs are what we listen to when getting to work, even when our bosses rain insults on us. We know that we shall stand under Rihanna's umbrella, and the day will get done.

Aftermath of Lust! The joy of every Child is Mummy and Daddy.

The joy of every child is to have a loving mother and father. Yet, lust, a fleeting pleasure, can shatter this joy, leaving a trail of destruction. As I walk through the streets, I see children searching for scraps, fighting to survive. Some become criminals, imprisoned by their circumstances, while others meet an untimely end. The harsh reality is that 99% of criminals torturing the peace and beauty of this world lacked the charity of a mother's love and a father's discipline. Lust, a temporary desire, leads to a lifetime of suffering. Unplanned children, rejected and abandoned, are forced to fend for themselves. Men and women, blinded by lustful desires, are responsible for the surge in street children and rising criminality. The consequences of lust are staggering. Why would murderers exist if children were given complete charity? How would they steal if they were planned for? How will they hate if they were given love? Note this; “the hate you give, is the hate you create

Sitting in God's Chair, would you give humanity a second chance?

 If given the chance to sit in God’s chair, would you grant humanity a second chance? Could you forgive our transgressions and choose to create a new world? Or would you curse human beings and walk away? This question resonates deeply, much like asking a mother whose son has chosen a path of terrorism if she would willingly bear another child. The pain of seeing our own flesh and blood rebel against us, rejecting the love and nurturing we’ve provided, is a sorrow almost too great to bear. In this world, the righteous suffer while the wicked prosper. The cry of the innocent goes unheard, and the beauty that once honored life is destroyed or being destroyed. It’s tempting to wonder what God thinks of us, how He views our rebellion and ingratitude. Have we become so entrenched in our sin that we’ve forced God to turn away from us? The thought is both haunting and sobering. As I ponder the state of humanity, I am met with a mix of emotions – sorrow, disappointment, and frustration. Despite

Our generation! Sometimes a straight No, is better than an empty promise.

As children of this generation, we face unimaginable struggles in our pursuit of success. The harsh reality is that we must hustle relentlessly, often to the point of exhaustion, to turn our dreams into reality. We suffer in silence, as if we have no one to turn to, no family to support us. We toil tirelessly, our sweat and tears watering the soil of our dreams, yet the very people we trust to nurture our growth instead crush our spirits with empty promises. The pain of disappointment pierces our souls like a dagger, leaving scars that never fully heal. We’re told to “wait” and “have faith,” but the waiting game is a never-ending cycle of despair. I write from personal experience, having faced similar challenges. Writing brings me joy, but the obstacles I encounter make it difficult to pursue my passion. My ultimate dream is to work with renowned animation studios like Disney or DreamWorks, but this goal seems as elusive as climbing Mount Everest without support. Oh, the agony of watch

Americana: A Life that Transformed Mine. Even in my elderly age, when all my hair is white, I will still tell the story.

As I sit down to write about Americana, I am overwhelmed with emotions. More than twenty years have passed since our paths first crossed, yet the lessons he taught me remain etched in my heart. Americana was more than a mentor; he was a guardian angel who appeared in my life when I needed guidance the most. His unwavering belief in me, his unrelenting support, and his unshakeable optimism helped shape me into the person I am today. Americana showed me that true strength lies not in wealth or status but in character, resilience, and the ability to inspire others. One of the most precious gifts Americana gave me was the understanding that life is about living for others. He instilled in me a sense of purpose, encouraging me to strive for a life that would make a difference in the world. My time with Americana was a blessing. He shared his life with me, answering my questions, and showing me the value of charity, love, and protection. He taught me that family is not just about blood ties

The "weirdness" of God's Love. A love that defies human logic and understanding.

I am Waiswa, and I have come to realize that the ways of God are truly mysterious and awe-inspiring. His love is beyond human comprehension, and it's a love that has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. Growing up, I faced numerous setbacks and challenges that left me feeling lost and hopeless. But in those darkest of moments, God showed up in unexpected ways, revealing His love and grace through the kindness of strangers and the unexpected turn of events. One particular experience that stands out was when I found myself trapped in a debt cycle with no clear way out. The month of May was especially terrifying, as I frantically searched for a solution, traveling from city to city, seeking help from anyone who would listen. But every door I knocked on seemed to lead me towards a dead end. It was then, when all hope seemed lost, that God intervened in a miraculous way. Through a chance connection on social media, I met someone who would become an instrument of God'

Smile... The only independent thing One can actually do.

Life may not have met your expectations today, but remember that it's short and precious. Don't let disappointments weigh you down. You didn't get that job or maybe someone broke your heart. But you still have the power to smile, even if it feels forced. Your smile is your shield against the world's cruelty. It's a reminder that you deserve happiness, no matter what others think or say. You don't need anyone's approval to smile; it's your independent choice, your declaration of independence from the world's expectations and judgments. I've spent years trying to make others understand me, but I realized that it was a waste of time. What matters most is my own happiness. I do what makes me smile, even if it seems weird to others. When I'm alone, I imagine myself as a rockstar or action hero, dancing and singing in my underwear with reckless joy. It's my way of taking back control and finding joy in the midst of chaos. Life can be tough, but

Every kiss feels like a new beginning.

I know we've been through our fair share of struggles and disagreements. We've argued and quarreled time and time again, but despite all of that, my love for you remains unwavering. I don't care about the past or the mistakes I've made; all that matters is the love I have for you, and the fact that you were the first person I ever loved. I know I've hurt you, and for that, I am truly sorry. My actions were thoughtless, and I broke your heart. But please know that my love for you is genuine, and it can't be changed by my mistakes or the challenges we've faced. I may not be perfect; I may be a little or more rough around the edges, but my heart belongs to you. My mind may wander, my eyes may stray, and my feet may take me on a different path, but my heart will always find its way back to you. The world may try to tear us apart, but our love is stronger than that. They may try to silence our laughter and our smiles, but we won't let them. If I were God, I w

I am not a collateral damage.

 I'm a child, just like any other. I have dreams, hopes, and aspirations. But the brutal reality of war has robbed away my childhood, leaving me to face unimaginable suffering and fear. My name is Leila, and I'm from a country torn apart by conflict. I once dreamed of singing like Rihanna, performing on stage, and bringing joy to people's lives through music. But the sounds of gunfire, explosions, and screams have replaced the melodies I once loved. War has become my reality, and I'm not alone. Countless children like me are caught in the crossfire, paying the price for the greed and hatred of adults. We're forced to flee our homes, leaving behind everything we hold dear. We're hungry, thirsty, and tired, with no end in sight. The world calls us "collateral damage," a term that numbs the conscience and dehumanizes our suffering. But we're not just statistics or casualties of war. We're children, with hearts that beat, minds that dream, and soul

The Shy Man's Struggle: I rather fight a lion than to say, "I love you".

As I reflect on my experiences, I'm reminded that the greatest risk is not taking any risk at all. For shy men like myself, this phrase takes on a profound meaning. We're often trapped in a prison of our own making, longing to express our feelings but paralyzed by fear. I recall a poignant moment during my campus days when I was smitten with a beautiful woman. She was the embodiment of grace and elegance, and I was captivated. I spent hours crafting an essay to win her heart, but the mere thought of approaching her left me petrified. The words got stuck in my throat, refusing to escape. Time slipped away, and before I knew it, she was gone, swept off her feet by a more confident suitor. This experience taught me a valuable lesson: shyness can be a curse. We shy men are masters of conjuring up fantastical worlds where love blossoms effortlessly, but in reality, we struggle to take the first step. Our minds are a jumble of thoughts and emotions, longing to be set free. We adore w

The Book Dictators Read.

Throughout history, dictators have followed a similar script, leaving a trail of destruction and devastation in their wake. From Hitler to Saddam Hussein, from Idi Amin to Kim Jong-un, the pattern is eerily familiar. But what drives these individuals to commit such atrocities? The answer lies in a metaphorical book, one that is both deceitful and possessive. This book, which we'll call "Me and Me," has no physical form, but its influence is palpable. "Me and Me" is a conscious entity that takes up residence in the minds of those who seek power and control. It whispers sweet nothings, convincing its hosts that they are invincible, that they will never die, and that everything revolves around them. This book is the ultimate enabler, fueling the ego and justifying the most heinous crimes. Dictators who read from "Me and Me" become trapped in a cycle of self-delusion, unable to see the world beyond their own reflection. They believe themselves to be infall

Bobi and Barbie: for those who think one man, one woman is impossible.

As a single man, I'm grateful to have witnessed the inspiring union between Bobi Wine and Barbie. Their marriage has taught me the true essence of love, respect, and partnership. Their commitment to each other remains unwavering, and their love continues to flourish. Bobi and Barbie's relationship is a shining example for young people like me, demonstrating that a successful marriage is built on mutual respect, trust, and open communication. They've challenged societal norms and stereotypes, proving that a woman is not a possession or object, but an equal partner deserving of dignity and respect. Their love is a testament to the power of true commitment, and their relationship is a practical embodiment of Jesus Christ's teachings on love and marriage. Bobi Wine's life is a lesson for all of us, and Barbie is a shining example of a woman who empowers a great man. As the saying goes, "behind every successful man is a woman." I've learned that a successfu

The Pride of Football. Even if you're poor, you can still say; "we bought Ronaldo".

Football, or soccer, is the most widely viewed sport globally, and for good reason. It's the only event that welcomes people from all walks of life, regardless of race, nation, or social status. You don't need to be educated or wealthy to play football; all you need is a passion for the game. Football is a game of the common people, and its simplicity is part of its enduring appeal. Football fans are some of the most dedicated and passionate supporters in the world. They'll go to great lengths to support their teams, even if it means sacrificing their own comfort. A fan will often starve to save up for a ticket to the next game, and if their team loses, they'll mourn as if they've lost a loved one. For many, football is a ticket out of poverty. Talent is the only passport you need to make it big in the football world. And once you've made it, the rewards are immense. You'll be treated like royalty, with the best hotels, transportation, and amenities at your

Only at the Age of 80.

 In school, I was consumed by what others thought of my stammer. But seven years later, I realized everyone was preoccupied with their own lives, and my stammer was irrelevant. They had moved on after school, and few remembered me fondly. This is the harsh truth: people worry about others' opinions, but in reality, it's inconsequential. I sometimes reflect on the bullies and their behavior, because back then, I sought their approval, thinking the world revolved around them. What's tragic is that we squander time worrying about what others say and think, only to discover we've run out of time. Young people struggle to discern reality from fiction. Gossip is fiction, and it's hard to grasp until you're 80. No one meant anything. The youth stage is deceptive, making us think we'll never reach 70 or 80. I'm fortunate to understand this at a young age. Things only the 80 get to understand. At 80, you realize your life was the only thing that truly mattere

The Unwavering Patriotism of Americans

 The United States of America is a nation admired by many, and for good reason. Americans are arguably the most patriotic people on earth, with a love for their country that's unparalleled. It's rare to find an American household without a national flag proudly displayed. This devotion has transformed the USA into the greatest country many people aspire to live in, earning it the nickname "The American Dream." What's remarkable about the USA is that it's not the most mineral-rich country, yet it is the wealthiest and most powerful nation globally. This is a testament to the power of unity, love, and patriotism. Americans recognize and nurture talent, make the most of their limited resources, and work together to achieve greatness. They respect the rule of law, honor their constitution, and hold everyone accountable, regardless of status or position. As a Ugandan, I draw inspiration from American patriotism and hope to export this mindset to my own country.

The Lion I Saw Is My Father.

 Born into one of Africa's largest prides, this lion cub had everything: love, care, food, and company. Every morning, his only concern was feeding, playing, and sleeping. But the lion world has a dark culture where young males are chased into exile, forced to fend for themselves. This terrifying rite of passage means leaving behind sisters, cousins, aunts, and mothers, venturing into the unknown. This lion, however, survived, thrived, and conquered a kingdom teeming with antelopes, buffaloes, and zebras. He built a great family, earning the respect of all other animals. But, as fate would have it, another solitary lion challenged his throne, and the fierce battle left him wounded and defeated. He was forced to flee, leaving behind his kingdom, cubs, and lionesses. I watched this documentary with tears streaming down my face as the once-mighty king, now bony and wounded, struggled to survive. He couldn't hunt due to his injuries, and hyenas attacked him at every turn. He hi

Life is a collection of Moments

 Life is not a journey, as people often say. Even fools make journeys. Instead, life is a collection of moments, and it's up to us to extract wisdom from them or walk away empty-handed. I learned this valuable lesson at a young age, and it has stayed with me ever since. My encounter with Mrs. Nambi Kaneene was brief, but it had a profound impact on my life. Her wisdom, professionalism, and thoughtful interactions left a lasting impression on me. She spoke with intention and deliberation, as if wisdom itself was speaking. Such moments create memories that evoke emotions, spark appreciation, and shape our perspectives. The most precious gift anyone can offer is a moment, whether directly or indirectly. It's up to us to cherish and learn from these moments, for they are all we take with us in the end. I've come to realize that life is not about accumulating wealth, properties, or material possessions; it's about the moments we experience, the memories we create, and th


I'M HERE Bad luck comes running, opportunities crawl, And just as they near, a gust blows them away. I'm lost in the desert, parched and forlorn, Only to find the oases of love and peace have dried up, gone. It's a marathon, but I've barely begun, My hand outstretched, yet no one has stopped to see. Darkness shrouds me, passersby can't see, My heart's door wide open, pleading to be free. Oh, to fly and chase opportunities afar! To dig deep and find the waters, to quench this burning scar! To see with eagle eyes and find the shortcut home! To sing a song that shines a light, to make my voice known! But alas, I'm here, my hand still outstretched, My heart still open, still yearning to be reached. I'm here, beside you, can't you see? I'M HERE...


Trapped and alone, she had nowhere to turn. Rejected by all, including her last hope, the future seemed distant and uncertain. Her soul was heavy with grief, her mind burdened by stress, and her body wracked with confusion - all a result of his lustful desires. Love is a powerful and sensitive force, easily expressed but difficult to genuinely embody. Women are beautiful and alluring, and men often pursue them with empty promises and selfish intentions. He approached her with a deceitful heart, begging for a place in her life. Though she initially resisted, he persisted, claiming he sought a wife, not a fleeting affair. Her kind heart eventually succumbed, and she loved him fully, only to be met with rejection and heartbreak. She endured the pain, holding onto hope that he would return. But on Labor Day, she found herself alone in the delivery room, facing cruel insults from the midwives. With no home to call her own, no friends to lean on, and a crying baby to care for, she was consum